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Marco Favero / Agencia RBS

Lutas sociais, drama policial e mais: conheça a série que está sendo gravada na periferia de Porto Alegre October 19, 2021

GZH visitou o set de filmagens de “Centro Liberdade” na vila São Judas Tadeu, no bairro Partenon Por JÚLIO BOLL Fotos: Marco Favero / Agencia RBSA VILA COMO ELA É / NOTÍCIA Publicado 18, Out, 2021, 01h09min Seria mais um dia normal na vila São Judas Tadeu, no bairro Partenon, na Capital, não fosse uma […]

Blue Fox Entertainment Snags North American Rights to Prescient Pre-COVID Lockdown Thriller ‘The Pink Cloud’ (EXCLUSIVE) June 2, 2021

By Jamie Lang Blue Fox Entertainment has picked up North American rights to Brazilian lockdown thriller “The Pink Cloud,” a timely and prescient hit at this year’s Sundance Film Festival in the World Cinema – Dramatic section. The distributor, which recently opened Julie Delpy’s Toronto Platform title “My Zoe,” plans to release the film in theaters across North America […]

Gimme Shelter May 31, 2021

Two directors talk about the way lockdown has changed the films they made, and how making the films changed the ways they approached lockdown. Source: Sight and Sound Magazine, June 2021; Volume 31; Issue 5


The 25th anniversary Sofia International Film Festival presented in the spring of 2021 a total of 134 films from 53 countries. There are 129 films planned with screenings at the cinemas in Sofia and in other cities, 73 films can be seen ONLINE from everywhere in Bulgaria till April 11th at  The Awards Ceremony […]

A nuvem rosa March 5, 2021

Filme da gaúcha Iuli Gerbase “previu” a pandemia, estreou com 100% de aprovação no Rotten Tomatoes e conquistou lugar no Festival de Sundance 2021 Não é de hoje que a ficção científica, em suas variadas manifestações, trabalha e brinca com a desconhecida resposta para uma pergunta que caminha paralela a humanidade: e se a raça […]

Metrópolis – Entrevista com Iuli Gerbase March 3, 2021

Pandemic films at Sundance 2021 February 22, 2021

“The crew was sending me texts saying ‘Iuli what happened? The scenes that we shot last year are becoming reality!’ It was bizarre because it was supposed to be a sci-fi and surrealistic and not at all realistic. So it was a strange feeling” – Iuli Gerbase, director of The Pink Cloud. Brazilian film The […]

Conheça A Nuvem Rosa, filme brasileiro aclamado no Festival de Sundance 2021 February 11, 2021

“A Nuvem Rosa”, escrito e dirigido por Iuli Gerbase, é o único longa-metragem nacional selecionado para competição O filme gaúcho A Nuvem Rosa (2021), finalizado antes do início da pandemia do coronavírus, surpreendentemente, previu o isolamento ao retratar a chegada de uma nuvem rosa tóxica nos céus, forçando as pessoas a ficarem confinadas. A produção é a […]

The Pink Cloud on Rotten Tomatoes February 10, 2021


‘The Pink Cloud’ Review: Brazilian Chamber Piece Nails Lockdown Life With Aching, Accidental Accuracy February 9, 2021

Iuli Gerbase’s refined, accomplished debut announces up front that it was written and shot pre-pandemic, but it’s still thoroughly current. By Guy Lodge It’s not often one sees a film arguing against its own topicality, but that’s what happens at the outset of “The Pink Cloud,” a subtly fevered quarantine drama that is so of the […]

The Six Best Indie Movies to Watch Out for This Year February 8, 2021

Here are the most exciting works to come out of the 2021 Sundance Film Festival. DAVID SIMS FEBRUARY 5, 2021 “This film was written in 2017 and shot in 2019.” So reads the disclaimer at the start of The Pink Cloud, a clever and surprising Brazilian movie that was among the best offerings at this year’s […]

“A Nuvem Rosa”, filme gaúcho que “antecipou” a pandemia, estreia no Festival de Sundance January 29, 2021

Dirigido por Iuli Gerbase, longa explora conflitos psicológicos de casal no confinamento Quando a covid-19 começou a se espalhar pelo mundo e obrigou as pessoas à quarentena, no primeiro trimestre de 2020, alguns filmes foram lembrados por terem “antecipado” a pandemia. Neste balaio, estão longas como o americano Contágio (2011), o sul-coreano A Gripe (2013) e o argentino Tóxico (2020) – este exibido […]